Will I Feel Overwhelmed if I get a Loan?
When you are considering getting a loan there are a lot of questions that you need to ask yourself. Among others, thinking about whether you will get overwhelmed is really important.
There are several things that could make you feel stressed when you have a loan. You could feel that just having a debt hanging over you is enough to make you feel stressed. You may feel that the repayments get too much or that if there are financial problems in the future you may not be able to pay anything back at all.
The stress of owing money is very real. Unfortunately there are some situations where it would be extremely difficult to achieve something unless you borrowed. Examples of this are home ownership, where most people will get a mortgage to pay for it and university education where most will get a student loan or career development loan. Without borrowing money the person may be held back in their life. However, it is very hard to change how you feel. If you have been in trouble with debts before or have just always felt that owing money was a bad thing, it can be something which you cannot forget. It is a good idea to find out more about the advantages of ‘good debt’ like these and see whether you can justify it to yourself and therefore take out a loan without feeling so stressed about it.
When you take out a loan it is really important to make sure that you are aware of what the repayments are going to be. You need to consider whether you think that you will be able to manage to pay them. Think about your normal month and how much money comes in and goes out and whether there will be enough left over to cover the repayments. You may need to look at past bank statements to see. If there is not enough then you need to consider what you can do to reduce how much you are paying out or how much you are earning so that there is. Think about whether this is something that you will be able to do for the whole term of the loan.
You also need to think about what might happen if your situation changes. This could mean that you have higher expenses, perhaps due to higher interest rates, rising prices, extending the family or things like this. You may also find that your income could change, perhaps if you lose your job, can no longer work full time, have a pay cut or something like that. These situations could happen to anyone and it is not surprising that someone could get extremely overwhelmed if they were in that situation. There are ways that you can protect against it though. You can take out insurance that will cover the cost of the repayments in this situation, although this can be expensive and it may not pay out every time, so you will need to be careful. You could save up money so that you have an emergency fund in case of this situation. You could take out a flexible loan where you can miss repayments or repay less if you get into financial difficulties.
For some people, it can be difficult to know whether they will get overwhelmed until they are actually in the situation. If this is you, then it could be wise to have some plans in place to prepare. Make sure that you know how you will cope should you start to struggle financially and make sure that you will have enough money available to be able to cover the monthly repayments. It would be wise to make sure you have a bit extra too, in case interest rates go up during the term of the loan, unless it is a fixed rate, your rates are likely to go up if the Bank of England base rate goes up.
So there are things that you can do which should help you to feel less overwhelmed by a loan. It is wise though, to make sure that it really is necessary for you to take out a loan in the first place. If you feel that the items you are buying with the money are not necessary and that you could struggle to repay or that having a loan will stress you, then it could be better to just forget the idea altogether.